Sunday, July 26, 2015

Brenham Chapter in the History of Texas R.A.M.

Prior to the formation of the Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas, Chapters of Royal Arch Masons were formed and operated as Masonic Bodies.  They were appendant to a Blue Lodge and under the sanction and jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas.  Stated simply – the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas operated York Rite Masonry prior to the establishment of a Grand Chapter.

Here is where some confusion creeps in.  In 1835 Samuel M. Williams obtained a charter from the General Grand Chapter of the United States for San Felipe de Austin Chapter No. 1 to be organized in the town of San Felipe.  Failing, however, to obtain a sufficient number to organize a Chapter, the charter was transferred to the Masons in Galveston.  On June 2, 1840, San Felipe de Austin Chapter, having never met at San Felipe de Austin, met and opened a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at Galveston, Texas.  BUT not having obtained approval from the General Grand Chapter of the United States, San Felipe de Austin No. 1 did not gain approval for the removal to Galveston until September 12, 1844, some four years later.  So though they were granted a charter in 1835, they did not organize a Chapter until 1840 and it was not authorized until 1844. 

These dates are important because in the meanwhile, in 1841, Cyrus Chapter at Matagorda, Rising Star Chapter at San Augustine and Lone Star Chapter at Austin petitioned for dispensations from the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas, to form Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, and on December 10, 1841 those dispensations were granted.  Four days later, on December 14, 1841, representatives of those Chapters, along with those of Washington Chapter No. 2 in Houston, met in Convention in Austin to form the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Republic of Texas. One week later, on December 21, 1841, a Constitution was ratified and adopted. Upon requesting relinquishment of jurisdiction over local Chapters and Royal Arch Masons, the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas adopted a resolution surrendering that jurisdiction and granting recognition to the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Republic of Texas as the appropriate head and governing body of Texas Capitular Masonry.  

So the Grand Chapter of Texas was formed in 1841 about 6 years after the General Grand Chapter of the United States had granted a Charter, and about 1 year after that Chapter started meeting – in the wrong city –  about 3 years before that Chapter was authorized by the General Grand Chapter.  

The General Grand Chapter of the United States refused to recognize the legal authority of the Grand Chapter of Texas and the conflict between the Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas and the General Grand Chapter of the United States began continuing until 1847 when the General Grand Chapter of the United States passed a resolution forbidding Royal Arch Masons under that jurisdiction from holding Masonic intercourse with the Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas, its subordinates, and those acknowledging its authority.

Under the Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas, Brenham Chapter No. 12 was set to work in Washington County on December 11, 1847, authorizing them to hold Lodges of Mark, Past, and Most Excellent Masters and a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the town of Brenham under the jurisdiction of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Republic of Texas. 

Two years later, in 1849, in an attempt to preserve peace and harmony among the craft, the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas adopted a resolution to dissolve itself.  Of the nine Chapters under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas at the time that the General Grand Chapter passed its resolution in 1847, the following petitioned the General Grand Chapter through its officers, for its permission to open Chapters in Texas, and Dispensations were granted on the dates given:

Washington Chapter, No. 2, May 5, 1848.
Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, March 10, 1849.
Trinity Chapter, No. 4, March 14, 1849.
Brenham Chapter, No. 5, April 14, 1849.
Lone Star Chapter, No. 6, April 14, 1849.
San Jacinto Chapter, No. 7, January 22, 1850.
Brazos Chapter, No. 8, 1850.
Rising Star Chapter, No. 9, February 2, 1850.

Charters were granted by the General Grand Chapter at its triennial in Boston, in 1850, as follows:

Washington Chapter, No. 2, September 13, 1850.
Brenham Chapter, No. 5, September 12, 1850.
Lone Star Chapter, No. 6, September 12, 1850.
Brazos Chapter, No. 8, September 13, 1850.
Rising Star Chapter, No. 9, September 14, 1850.

Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, Trinity Chapter, No. 4, and San Jacinto Chapter, No. 7, were continued under Dispensation by the General Grand Chapter with authority to surrender them and take out Charters form the Grand Chapter of Texas if one be organized previous to the next meeting of the General Grand Chapter. 

One year after dissolving itself, representatives from four Texas Chapters met in Galveston, on December 30, 1850, to again form the Grand Chapter of Texas, but this time under authority of the General Grand Chapter of the United States.

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