Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dec. 20, 2018, Brenham York Rite Meeting

Commandery dues for 2019 are now due.  Brenham Commandery dues are $65.00.  Please remit dues as soon as possible, or bring a check with you to our next stated meeting on Dec. 20.

Brenham Commandery No. 15 holds it's installation of Commandery officers Thursday, Dec. 20.

Congratulations to new Brenham Commandery No. 15 officers:

Commander:   Gary Mosmeyer
Generalissimo:  Jerry Jackson  
Capt. General:    Barry Bennet  
Recorder:   David Rice
Treasurer:    Chris Dalrymple
Sword Bearer:
Standard Bearer:  

Art. 233. All officers required to be installed must be installed as soon after their election as practicable and not later than January 15. Uniforms are required for all Officers. 

Art. 234. Should any elected officer become incapacitated or for any justifiable reason be unable to be installed prior to January 15 following election, the Grand Commander may, at his discretion, issue a Special Dispensation to install said officer at a future date as soon as practicable. 

Art. 236.  Elected officers of a Commandery must be installed in person. Appointed officers may be installed by proxy. 

Art. 237.  It is not necessary for a reelected Officer to be installed, as he holds over by virtue of his former election and installation until his successor is installed. 

Art. 238. The officers of a Constituent Commandery may be installed by the Commander or by any Past Commander of any Commandery.

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