Friday, December 21, 2018

Dec. 20: Keystones and No Knights

The Brenham York Rite Bodies met for their stated meeting on the third Thursday of December at Hubert Lodge in Chappell Hill.   Six were in attendance, and a stated meeting of Brenham Chapter No. 5 R.A.M. was held. 

We determined that since Grand Lodge would be occurring during our next stated meeting time, that the Brenham York Rite Bodies would "go dark" on January 17.

Commandery dues for 2019 are now due.  Brenham Commandery dues are $65.00.  Please remit dues as soon as possible,

There were not enough present to perform Commandery installation and so installation of officers will be attempted on Jan. 1 by holding a called meeting during the meeting time of Ivanhoe Commandery and/or by a called meeting Jan. 2 at the stated meeting of Jerusalem Chapter and Council in Navasota.

We held meaningful conversation about our plans and objectives for the upcoming year.  

Our system IS set up so that those who sign up to our reminder system.

We noted that the Brenham York Rite bodies host this blog to share useful information of an educational or informative nature to York Rite Masons of all levels, from EA through Knight Templar.  But like most things Masonic you have to "ask, seek, and knock" to obtain useful information, it is not just given you without effort.

We discussed taking time at each meeting to read short passages from the "law books" of each body at each meeting like is commonly done in the Blue Lodge, so that the common workings of the bodies are understood by all.

We reviewed and noted that Masonic Podcasts from Ft. Worth Lodge No. 148 are available for those who desire rapid auditory Masonic communication without taking the time to read.

We shared the The York Rite Companion Adept of the Temple program, a York Rite self-study resource with links to the free online books posted on our web site.

We discussed scheduling regional local lodge visitations as a group and sharing our regional York Rite camaraderie and diverse Blue Lodge affiliations within our region.

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