Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No Meeting on Jan. 17, 2019

Brenham York Rite Bodies will be dark on our Jan. 17 Stated Meeting night.  Many are participating in the Grand Lodge of Texas Annual Grand Communication.

We Invite you to check out the Further Light page and hope that you will enjoy the following excerpt from one of the books.

Mark Master Mason

The degree of Mark Master, which is the fourth in the masonic series, is historically considered of the utmost importance since we are informed that, by its influence, each operative mason, at the building of King Solomon's temple, was known and distinguished, and the disorder and confusion, which might have attended so immense an undertaking, was completely prevented...

Not less useful is it in its symbolic signification. is particularly directed to the inculcation of order, regularity, and discipline. ... The true Mark Master is a type of man...who received from his Master this approving language:  "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make the ruler over many things:  enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."

In the honorable character of Mark Master Mason ... let your conduct in the lodge and among your bretheren be such as may stand the test of the Great Overseer's square .... While such is your conduct, should misfortunes assail you, should friends forsake you, should envy traduce your good name, and malice persecute you, yet may you have confidence, that among Mark Master Masons you will find friends ...

Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe... view our labors in the cause of virtue and humility; ... purify our hearts and caus us to know and serve thee aright.  Guide us in paths of rectitude and honor ... and enable us so to practice the precepts of Masonry, that all our actions may be acceptable in thy sight.

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