Thursday, July 11, 2019

Eleventh Degree: Order of the Red Cross

The first chivalric order is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. In Chivalric Masonry, the term 'orders' is used rather than 'degrees,' but both refer to "the progress of a candidate toward the completion of his membership." So while the Order of the Red Cross may be considered the 11th degree in the York Rite, it is the first of the chivalric orders received.

The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is based upon the accounts found in the Book of II Esdras in the Apocrapha and in the writings of the famous Jewish historian, Josephus. The candidate represents Zerrubabel and presents himself as a Royal Arch Mason to a Grand Council that just convened in Jerusalem to deliberate upon the unhappy condition of the country and which desires to find a means to secure the favor of King Darius in order to proceed with the rebuilding of the Temple. The candidate is guided to the Persian court and reminds the King of his promises to aid the Jews in their work. Debate ensues and Zerrubabel boldly proclaims that Truth is on his side of the issue. So impressed with the speech, King Darius decrees his support for the continuation of the rebuilding, establishes the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross founded up on Truth, and confers it upon Zerrubabel. 

This order bridges Royal Arch Masonry to Chivalric Masonry. The lessons encourage the constant search for Truth and emphasize the importance of Liberty and Justice with a right to worship Deity under whatever name he may be called. Historically, elements of this Order were practiced in Ancient Lodges before the final form of the Master Mason Degree came into use. 

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