Monday, March 22, 2021

Commandery Meeting Limitations In Brief

Here is a brief summary of the limitations upon Commandery meetings:

Drill team may resume, regional and statewide activities may resume.  Conferral of the orders on candidates is not permitted except for the short form of the Red Cross and the temporary short form of the Order of Malta (scripts available from the Grand Recorder).  The Order of the Temple does not have a “short form” so it may not be conferred, (presumably only practiced with proper social distancing).  Read more...

Grand Encampment General Order No. 14 authorizes virtual meetings, but states “no ritual shall be performed and no Orders be conferred during any such telephonic or webcast Conclave.

November’s General Order No. 7 placed all commanderies in Texas in “phase 0” of their reopening plan requiring ONLY virtual commandery meetings.  Further, it issues guidelines and describes what is permitted during the various “phases” of the plan.

As of March 15, 2021 the Addendum to General Order No. 7 places our Brazos Valley commanderies, as well as others around the state, into Phase 1B of the reopening plan.  

This means that following the law, and avoiding groups greater than 50 in number, maximizing social distancing as much as possible, minimizing travel, and allowing vulnerable individuals to excuse themselves, we may resume in-person meetings.  Further, masks are to be worn, gloves or hand sanitizer are to be used. No meals or snacks are to be served, “set up” time should only start 10 minutes before the meeting (read the order for greater details).

With these restrictions and those specifically noted in Order No. 7, drill team may resume, regional and statewide activities may resume.  Conferral of the orders on candidates is not permitted except for the short form of the Red Cross and the temporary short form of the Order of Malta (scripts available from the Grand Recorder).  The Order of the Temple does not have a “short form” so it may not be conferred, (presumably only practiced with proper social distancing).

Finally, Grand Commandery Response to Governor Abbott’s Action Removing All State- mandated COVID-19 Restrictions notes that "all commanderies under the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery of Texas will remain under the directives of Texas General Order #7 [noted above] until further notice."

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