Thursday, August 18, 2022

Five and Nine

It is frequently noted that we may open with five members to conduct business, but that no opening or closing ceremonies may be used unless there are 9 KNIGHTS present.  This has been a source of confusion for many.  
Let's investigate the reason for this.

Article 175 notes that:

  1. A quorum of a Commandery shall consist of nine members entitled to vote therein, including an officer authorized to open the same.
  2. A quorum for conducting business in a Commandery constituted by the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, can be less than nine but not less than five. One of the number must include an Officer authorized to open the same. 
  3. Nine Sir Knights constitute a Commandery and are required to establish a Commandery, or the confer the Orders of Knighthood.
  4. If there are not nine or more Sir Knights present, the Short Form Opening in the 2019 Ritual shall be used.

Article 176 notes that:

In the absence of a quorum, no business can be transacted, but a quorum being present, the vote of a less number is valid.

To establish if my reasoning is correct let's review:

  • If 5 members of a local commandery are present: opening ritual may not proceed, only routine business (without ceremony) is permitted?
  • If 9 or more total knights are present, and 5 or more are members of the local commandery, then opening, ritual, business and degree work may proceed, BUT
    • If 9 or fewer members of a local commandery are present it must open with short form ritual.
  • If 9 or MORE members of a local commandery are present, it may open in the authorized form of its choosing.
Or stated more simply:
  • A commandery must have 5 present to conduct any business of the commandery, e.g. paying bills and such.
  • Nine Sir Knights must be present to ritually open a Commandery, AND five of those must be from the local commandery.  In such case they must use short form ritual opening.
  • Nine Sir Knights must be present to ritually open a Commandery, and if nine or more of those are from the local commandery the commandery may open in the authorized form of its choosing.

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