Thursday, December 21, 2023

Incoming Commander’s Address

At the installation ceremony for 2024 Brenham Commandery Officers. Eminent Commander Dalrymple shared his thoughts.  Below are some excerpts from that presentation.

Have you ever wondered why do Knights Templar meet in an Asylum? The word asylum has listed as its first definition "the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee".  I think that it is safe to  say that the historical Knights Templar were granted asylum in various countries and places following their suppression by the Catholic Church.  In an Asylum of Knights Templar you will find knights of like mind who work to protect each other and this Order of Christian Knighthood.

Why we called called a Commandery?  A commandery is, according to definition, a district under the control of a commander of an order of knights.  It is also an assembly or lodge in a secret order. (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). So the word commandery is associated with the word commander, and a commandery is the district under the direction of that commander. 

The same dictionary source defines a commander as: one in an official position of command or control such as a commanding officer  or the presiding officer of a society or organization. Etymology Online tells us that the word commander is derived from the word command and is derived from the Latin word commendare which carried the meaning of “to commit to the care or keeping (of someone), to recommend, to entrust to.”  Sir Knights, we are a society organized into commanderies of various descriptions.  As knights, the care of our commandery is committed to us.  As Christian Knights we are entrusted with the care and keeping of Christian Knighthood among Masons.  We work together  to ensure that Christian Masons may join with our noble knights in the exercise of their faith and practices.  This year we will do our best towards these efforts, for we ARE Brenham Commandery, no matter where we may end up meeting.

One last thought.  The Latin word commendare is derived from the word commend, literally meaning together, commit into one’s charge.  Luke 23:46 has Jesus commending his spirit to God as he died physically.  Brenham Commandery has been commended into our hands as a group of Christian Knights who, together, have commended their energies and efforts into keeping care of their group of Knights. 

More than caring for the life of our commandery organization, we must commit to caring for the knights who have commended themselves to their commandery.   A healthy commandery, remembers their Knights.  As we work together in 2024, as we practice our ritual and prepare for our ceremonies and inspections, as we, perhaps, may move our meeting location to Anderson, PLEASE remember that it is our Knights that make the commandery and not merely the state or national organization.  We will do our best to be productive, but not labor in vain.  We will do our best to be our best, but not be preachy.  We will do our best to invite other Christian Masons to join with us and exercise their Christian faith within a Christian Masonic setting.

I want to extend the thanks of Brenham Commandery to Past Eminent Commander Barry Bennett who served during a MOST trying few years in the life of our Commandery.  We appreciate his willingness to take the helm, even when it was very difficult for him to do so.  We thank you for your service and your fraternal participation.

And now, looking ahead, for 2024 the priorities of Brenham Commandery will be:

    • To seek a successful temporary relocation to Anderson to determine of more Christian Knights will join with us. Later in the year,  we need to make a determination if we wish to make such a move permanent during the 2025 Grand Commandery. 
    • To prepare for inspection to the level of being comfortable with the work.
    • To observe the obligatory holiday and patriotic observances with suitable presentations and ceremonies.
    • To schedule Ritual and tactical practices each month several months prior to inspection.
These objectives will offer us MUCH to do during 2024 and, hopefully, such activity may entice other Christian Masons to come and investigate the York Rite.  To further encourage mental and faith stimulation I hope to have offered an education program at each meeting.  Some will be educational programs, and some will be TOPICAL presentations.  A very short topic that raises some point then lets the knights themselves give their opinions and share their knowledge for a short time.  We can teach each other.  I guarantee that we will all learn much through a process such as this.

Here are three things that you CAN do, if you will, to strengthen our commandery:
    • Check our website at for Brenham Commandery announcements, news, and other information.  Share this link with knights who may have an interest in joining with us.  
    • Watch for text messages and emails to announce and remind of upcoming events. will automatically be sending monthly reminders and upcoming event reminders.  If you are not signed up in you will find directions on our website.
    • Talk it up with other Knights Templar and invite them to presentations that may be of interest to them.  If another knight is prepared to travel to give a presentation to us, let us know so that we may schedule for them.
    • Participate when you can as often as you can.  That will be "enough".
We intend to have the following programming during 2024:
    • Three 10-15 min programs on Tactical Review.
    • Three well-prepared 10-15 min programs on something unusual, regarding the Historical Templars.
    • A presentation on What the three readings of the Hermits teach us in the OT.
    • A Tactical Presentation on portions of the Order of the Temple.
    • A Tactical Presentation in preparation for Inspection: Putting on the Polish...
    • Easter Program
    • Ascension Program
    • Patriotic Program 
    • A Giving Thanks Program
    • Christmas Program 
These  topics will insure that we will have a brief educational presentation and discussion each month.  Check the website for the current schedule of programs.  Contact me if you have a desire to offer one  these presentations or  topical discussions.

So there you have the direction in which Brenham Commandery will be heading.  Also on our plate is a potential change of our meeting place to Anderson, Inspection planning for early summer, and working closely with Brenham Chapter and Council to ensure that we do NOT neglect our Old Testament education that the Chapter and Council can offer. How many have ever stopped to realize that the Chapter and Council provide us insights into Old Testament Temple history that we can learn a great deal from.  Of course we have the New Testament Gospel message of the Knights Templar.  

In a world that is drifting away from, actively shunning, or overtly hostile to anything Biblical, York Rite offers a chance to study the teachings and history of the Bible without dogma or doctrine.  Encourage Freemasons to come explore Biblical Masonry through the York Rite.  

So please, "grab your horse" and come along for the ride!  

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