Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Nov. 15 Meeting

We have completed standing for inspection.  We are now ready for election of new officers in Brenham Commandery for 2019.  

Art. 223.
Commanderies must hold their annual election of officers at their last Stated Conclave before the end of November of each year, provided that if such election for any reason be not held, same may, under a dispensation from the Grand Commander, be held at any Stated or Special Conclave called for that purpose on or before December 31st following. Otherwise, the old officers shall hold over.
Brenham Commandery will elect:

a Commander, 
Generalissimo, Capt. General, Secretary, and Treasurer;  
and will appoint:
a Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Warder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer and Sentinel:  
Plan NOW to be in attendance to help elect Commandery officers for 2019.

Also, Ivanhoe Commandery will join with us at dinner for a special called meeting to hold their elections.  

The importance of having nine knights willing to serve can not be overstated.

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