Thursday, November 15, 2018

November Commandery & Chapter Report

Congratulations to newly elected Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8 officers:

  • Commander:       Matt Caldwell 
  • Generalissimo:     Chris Dalrymple
  • Capt. General:       Royce Yates
  • Recorder:      Hardy Nevill
  • Treasurer:        Bob Cohen   
Thank you sir knights for coming to our meeting and for assisting us open and close Brenham Commandery.

Congratulations to newly elected Brenham Commandery No. 15 officers:

  • Commander:   Gary Mosmeyer
  • Generalissimo:  Jerry Jackson  
  • Capt. General:    Barry Bennet   
  • Recorder:   David Rice
  • Treasurer:    Chris Dalrymple 
The newly elected commanders will be appointing their remaining officers prior to installation at their next stated conclave in December.  Make sure to attend Ivanhoe Commandery on Dec. 4 and Brenham Commandery Dec. 20.

Commandery dues for 2019 are now due.  Brenham Commandery dues are $65.00.  Please remit dues as soon as possible, or bring a check with you to our next stated meeting on Dec. 20.

We also opened and conducted business in Brenham Chapter No. 5 this evening.  

Here is a brief history lesson that is associated with events portrayed in the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons:

586 BC – Babylon conquered Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple of Solomon, and took the people of Judah captive.  
539 BC – 47 years later, Cyrus, King of Persia, and the Persians conquered Babylon. 
 538 BC – 1 year later, and 48 years after the initiation of captivity, Cyrus issued a decree allowing the Jews that wanted to to return home from exile.  Zerubbabel led the first wave of people to return. 
536 BC – 2 years later, and 50 years after the initiation of captivity, the work on rebuilding the Temple of Yahweh began under the leadership of Joshua (the spiritual leader in the rebuilding of the temple, the son of Jozaddek the High Priest); Prince Zerubbabel ("son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah", a great grandson of Hezekiah, King of Judah); and Haggai (the first prophet of the restoration).   
515 BC – 21 years later, and 70 years after the initiation of captivity,  the Temple is completed and dedicated. 

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