Monday, March 23, 2020

No York Rite Meetings Through the End of April

Likewise has the Grand Chapter and Council of Texas ordered no meetings until the end of April.

The Grand Council has cancelled the Grand Commandery Conclave and presumably also will not allow meetings until the pandemic is more “in control”.

Grand Commandery notes:


To the Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas: 

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and with guidance from the Grand Lodge of Texas and the Grand Encampment of the U.S.A, the I have made the difficult decision of postponing the 2020 Annual Grand Conclave until further notice. The Hilton Waco Hotel has graciously allowed me to negate my contract without consequence. This will result in the automatic cancellation of reservations for those who have already made room reservations with the Hilton. 

Sir Knight Bruce Hammond, Credentials Committee Chairman, will begin processing registration cancellations and either refunding electronic registration payments online, or by destroying checks and emailing confirmations for those who opted to register through the U.S. mail. If you have a concern with the disposition of your registration cancellation, please contact Sir Knight Bruce by email at, or by phone at (682) 777-4708, but we ask that you respect his time and only contact him only if absolutely necessary. 

Sir Knights, as we are sure you understand, this is uncharted territory, so we ask for your patience while I and your Grand Officers develop a viable plan to move forward with the business of the Grand Commandery. The appropriate entities are being brought in for consultation, and while the situation continues to mature, it remains fluid and can change at any time. We will do our best to continue to keep you informed of the latest developments as soon as practicable. 

Again, thank you for your understanding and patience, and God bless you all. 

In His Name, 

Clarence J. Laney, Grand Commander 
Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas

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