Saturday, May 2, 2020

York Rite, Soon Open for Business


The Most Excellent Grand High Priest, and Most Illustrious Grand Master have announced provisions for limited re-opening of York Rite Activities.

Read the Chapter proclamation here.

Read the Council proclamation here.

Meetings may commence on or after May 25, 2020.  So, Brenham York Rite should be meeting at its regular stated meeting June 18.  I presume that election, and perhaps installation, of officers might be conducted at the same meeting, but this is one man’s presumption.  Watch our blog for further information.

General provisions of both proclamations include:

  • following the “Open Texas” plan promoted by the Texas Governor,
  • no conferral of degrees,
  • no meals prepared or consumed,
  • practice social distancing,
  • stay away from meetings if ill from any source,
  • called meeting only for installation of officers.

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